


The Airkit Design System was initially forked off Semantic UI, however this inflexible system led to increased implementation effort and limited customization options. Our goal was to move away from Semantic and build our own composable system in a way that can be maintained by anyone in our team.

As our team grew, I noticed that designers were still taking as much 1 to 3 weeks to working on initial design iterations. Inconsistencies were present with each project iteration, continuing to stretching out timelines.






January – April 2020 (3mo)

January – April 2020 (3mo)

January – April 2020 (3mo)



Centralize the Airkit Design System, making it more available for our team while reducing the need to cross-reference multiple sources. Furthermore, make it flexible enough to be actively maintained and consumed by anyone working in our platform.


To maintain parity with engineering and prepare for a scaling system, we needed to create a single source for our designers. I reviewed how our design system was built and looked into Figma to concept a workflow to help our design process. What I did was:


Create a team library in Figma

Create and publish a shared library in Figma so that designers and other team members have quicker access to our design system.


Get buy-in from the team

Show stakeholders how a shared source of truth for designers can also benefit the entire team's workflows.


Scale our design system in Figma

Continue to scale and grow our design system to increase access and alignment with the team.




Create a team library in Figma

I created the first version of our library based on our component specs. The library was accessible from a master “Component Library” file within our Figma team. Component variations and states appeared as a separate elements that our team can pull from in the Figma Assets panel.

Each component and their variations utilize our design tokens to an atomic level.




Getting buy-in from the team

A challenge with design systems is maintaining consistent adoption and securing continued team support over time. As new people join the team, I needed to show why having consistent design resources would help our team as we grow. Here’s how I presented my case:


Our current workflow was time-consuming and created inconsistencies

Designers were either recreating their own component instances or copy and pasting from existing designs. This lead to inconsistent and outdated work as specs were updated.


Help designers be consistent

A shared library can uphold consistency while enabling more incremental design updates. Designers can use the library to compose UI that are consistent across projects, but meet different use cases.


Updating designs requires significant manual effort

Using outdated work led to even more inconsistent and outdated work. Designers were spending a significant as much a week or more reviewing and updating their designs.


Create opportunities to improve reusability and apply incremental updates

A shared library means more opportunities to improve our design workflow, with design work remaining current and reusable. This allows us to implement updates more granularly and gradually.


Enable our team to collaborate and contribute more iteratively

As the Airkit Design System evolves, we'll need a flexible process to change things as needed. A shared library enables our team to participate and contribute to discussions that'll be passed down as new iterations down the road.


Enable our team to design without relying on design support

Design teams are usually smaller in comparison to other teams, especially at startups like Airkit. Additionally, several team members have expressed interest in design, but they didn't know where to start.

A shared library enables both new and existing team members to collaborate within our system independently, reducing the need to have designer by their side.

Engineering and design working together, creating more opportunities for ideation and collaboration.

Design and Engineering working together, creating more opportunities for ideation and collaboration.


Increased availability for our team

Once our component library was published, it became the definitive source for our designers. Centralizing it in Figma helped us maintain consistency across different projects.

Faster design turnaround

Our timelines for high-fidelity visual design were significantly reduced, going from 1-2 weeks down to just 2-3 days. Designers were spending less time starting from scratch and more on time iterating.

Our timelines for high-fidelity visual design were significantly reduced, going from 1-2 weeks down to just 2-3 days. Designers spent less time starting from scratch and more time iterating towards the best UX for our users.

Increased iterative contributions

Increased access also enabled our team to make contributions more iteratively and publish changes more rapidly to meet our team’s growing needs.




Scale our design system in Figma

There was still a need to continue scaling our system and make it more accessible to our team. I continued to help maintain our design system, addressing issues and integrating Figma's latest features along the way.

Incorporate design tokens

Using Figma styles, I updated our components to use reusable design tokens, allowing them stay updated at a more atomic level.

Incorporate native Figma features

To further optimize usage of our design system, I rebuilt our components to utilize native Figma features (e.g., Auto Layouts and Variants).

Adding sizes and other properties

I added sizes and other properties so that designers can grab components that more closely resemble engineering's implementation in Storybook.

Adding documentation

I worked with the Design team to write documentation, providing clear guidelines on component usage for anyone working in our system to use.

Copyright © 2024 Aaron Dong. Made with ❤️ in California.

Copyright © 2024 Aaron Dong. Made with ❤️ in California.

Copyright © 2024 Aaron Dong. Made with ❤️ in California.